Culture & Tourism Exchange Programs
The vigorous development of culture & tourism business between China and the United States has brought a mutually win-win situation, the culture & tourism exchanges and cooperation becomes more prospective. Over the years, Sino-American Friendship Association is committed to promoting the culture & tourism exchanges and cooperation between US and China governments, locals, and civil societies through channels of the governmental tourism cooperation strategic dialogues, high-end forums, top level tourism officials' visits and travel images and resources campaigns, etc. For positively introducing China's tourism resources and development blueprint, presenting the beauty of scenic attractions and its unique style, in hope to provide US-China tourism project docking and cooperation opportunities, and promote the cooperation scale and diversity, Sino-American Friendship Association is dedicated to bring the broader cooperation on economic, cultural, artistic, educational, medical and other fields between the two countries.
On the basis of the general culture & tourism projects, we will develop the American characteristics tourism and study experience projects according to the different cultural backgrounds of the United States and China, and provide the new platform for government agencies, enterprises, associations and the public groups in the United States and China to access the mutual exchange and learning cooperation. It will level up the culture & tourism exchanges and cooperation between US and China.
The ongoing culture & tourism exchange and cooperation activities:
·Professional exchanges and visits between governmental culture & tourism departments
·Experts and scholars discuss and exchange in the fields of culture & tourism and media.
·Culture & tourism business executives and entrepreneurs visit the targeted markets.
·Culture & tourism industrial associations and civilian organizations exchange visits and building business cooperation.
·High-end forums on culture & tourism development and strategic cooperation etc.
·Promotional activities, press conferences
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